Vote for Fiona Lali
Fiona Lali



Why I am running

Workers and young people have had enough of the lies, sleaze, and corruption of the British political class. From stripping our economy for profit, to supporting genocide in Gaza, it’s clear that none of them represent the majority of the public. We need to get rid of these war criminals. We need to get rid of the system that lines their pockets. We need fundamental, revolutionary change.

I’m running as an independent for Stratford and Bow to expose these criminals for what they are. Get involved with volunteering or donate to help support the campaign!

Why I am running

Workers and young people have had enough of the lies, sleaze, and corruption of the British political class. From stripping our economy for profit, to supporting genocide in Gaza, it’s clear that none of them represent the majority of the public. We need to get rid of these war criminals. We need to get rid of the system that lines their pockets. We need fundamental, revolutionary change.

I’m running as an independent for Stratford and Bow to expose these criminals for what they are. Get involved with volunteering or donate to help support the campaign!

My demands

My demands

1) Kick out the war criminals!  No more arms exports to Israel! No to imperialist aggression and adventures!

 2) Healthcare, not warfare! Books, not bombs! Over £200 billion is being spent on Trident. Scrap it now!

3) Big business robs us every day. Privatised water companies pollute our rivers with raw sewage. Rail bosses line their pockets while fares go up and up. Energy companies make bumper profits, while we are forced to choose between eating or heating. Nationalise the lot of them – no compensation for the fat-cats!

 4) Free education and living grants! Universities are on the brink of bankruptcy, while students pay exorbitant fees and rack up ever-growing debts.  For a fully funded public education system for all!

 5) Decent, affordable housing for all! Rents and mortgages are going through the roof. We need to build a million council homes a year. Nationalise building land, construction companies, banks, only then can we plan the resources in the interests of society! People before profit!

 6) End low pay. Scrap zero-hour contracts. Full employment rights from day one. Repeal all the anti-trade union laws. For a real living wage of at least £20 an hour and a retirement age of 55.

 7) The capitalists and their political friends demonise migrants and whip up racism. The enemies of workers are the bosses and bankers, not migrants. Fight against racism and all forms of discrimination!

 8) The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Don’t simply tax the rich, but seize their wealth. It is time to democratically plan the economy for the benefit of the majority, not the billionaires!

 9) Capitalism means waste. The profit system is destroying the planet. Only a planned economy can tackle the climate catastrophe.

10) Capitalism means war, chaos, and misery. We stand on the side of the exploited and the oppressed, against the exploiters and the oppressors. For international class struggle and world revolution. Workers of the world: unite!

1) Kick out the war criminals!  No more arms exports to Israel! No to imperialist aggression and adventures!

 2) Healthcare, not warfare! Books, not bombs! Over £200 billion is being spent on Trident. Scrap it now!

3) Big business robs us every day. Privatised water companies pollute our rivers with raw sewage. Rail bosses line their pockets while fares go up and up. Energy companies make bumper profits, while we are forced to choose between eating or heating. Nationalise the lot of them – no compensation for the fat-cats!

 4) Free education and living grants! Universities are on the brink of bankruptcy, while students pay exorbitant fees and rack up ever-growing debts.  For a fully funded public education system for all!

 5) Decent, affordable housing for all! Rents and mortgages are going through the roof. We need to build a million council homes a year. Nationalise building land, construction companies, and banks, only then can we plan the resources in the interests of society! People before profit!

 6) End low pay. Scrap zero-hour contracts. Full employment rights from day one. Repeal all the anti-trade union laws. For a real living wage of at least £20 an hour and a retirement age of 55.

 7) The capitalists and their political friends demonise migrants and whip up racism. The enemies of workers are the bosses and bankers, not migrants. Fight against racism and all forms of discrimination!

 8) The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. Don’t simply tax the rich, but seize their wealth. It is time to democratically plan the economy for the benefit of the majority, not the billionaires!

 9) Capitalism means waste. The profit system is destroying the planet. Only a planned economy can tackle the climate catastrophe.

10) Capitalism means war, chaos, and misery. We stand on the side of the exploited and the oppressed, against the exploiters and the oppressors. For international class struggle and world revolution. Workers of the world: unite!

Volunteer for the campaign

Please enter your contact details below and we will be in touch about what you can do to help the campaign. By submitting your details you agree for them to be used by our team to contact you regarding the campaign.

Volunteer for the campaign

Please enter your contact details below and we will be in touch about what you can do to help the campaign. By submitting your details you agree for them to be used by our team to contact you regarding the campaign.

Donate to the campaign

Donate to the campaign

The establishment and their representatives have deep pockets. We on the other hand rely on the sacrifice of ordinary people. As well as volunteering, please consider donating to the campaign war chest!

The establishment and their representatives have deep pockets. We on the other hand rely on the sacrifice of ordinary people. As well as volunteering, please consider donating to the campaign war chest!

Watch Fiona dismantle Braverman's lies

Watch Fiona dismantle Braverman's lies

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